Download Old Garageband Loops


The free blues loops, samples and sounds listed here have been kindly uploaded by other users. If you use any of these blues loops please leave your comments. Read the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions for more information on how you can use the loops. Load up on Apple Loops for Garageband. Macloops is a massive resource for free apple loops and samples. We have thousands of AIFF format apple loops ranging from drum loops, bass loops and synth loops to guitar loops, cinematic and lots more.

  1. Download Old Garageband Loops Video
  2. Garageband Sounds And Loops
  3. Download Old Garageband Loops Free
  • Royalty Free Old School Loops Samples Sounds – Royalty free old school loops. Free Hip-Hop Classic Samples – Includes 5 classic hip-hop construction kits with crazy synth melodies punchy kicks, bells, strings, and more. Inside you’ll find over 90 royalty-free, high-quality multi-format loops.
  • Try and they both had some of the previous loops and other loops for free. If the loops were part of GB or logic or final cut pro then you can retrieve them from that software. Old versions of final cut studio 1 and 2 included the jam packs. As did logic among others.

Platinumloops now offers all of our loops in the popular Apple Loops formats known as ‘AIFF’. When you purchase any of our Loop packs you get to download a ZIP file which contains your loops in these formats.

What is an Apple Loop?

‘AIFF’ – Apple Loops are an audio file format for Garageband and Logic on Mac OS. Apple Loops typically contain meta data within the file which helps when indexing the files into the Garageband loop browser. Typical data would include tempo, instrument, genre, key reference.

Apple Loops have become a popular file format for Mac users who favor Garageband and Logic.

Mac users will pay no extra charge for Apple Loops, everybody pays one price and gets all three formats that include WAV files and Rex2 files for users of Reason.

Free Apple Loops

Within our product pages you will find hundreds of free demo loops. These can be easily located by using the Genre, Instrument and MegaPack links to the right of every page. Simply click on the Loop Genre that you are interested in and you will be presented with a list of loop download packs for that genre.

Garageband ipad tutorial. By clicking on the “Free Demo Loops” share button for each pack you will be able to download a free ZIP file which contains free demo loops from that loop pack.

How to Import Apple Loops into Garageband

Download Old Garageband Loops Video

If you’ve ever wondered how to go about importing your Apple Loops into Garageband or Logic you’ll be glad to learn that we’ve created a tutorial showing you how it’s done. Read the tutorial here.

Will Apple Loops Work in a PC

Windows users can still open and work with .AIFF files but won’t get any benefit from the metadata which is exclusive to Mac OS. In that respect any AIFF files you use on a Windows PC will just behave like a standard WAV files.

You can open the Sound Library from the Sound browser, the Live Loops browser, and from instruments that have additional sounds available for download. To open the Sound Library, your device must be connected to the Internet.

Open the Sound Library


To open the Sound Library from the Sound browser:

  • In an existing song, tap to open the Sound browser, swipe until you see Sound Library, then tap Sound Library.
  • If you’ve created a new song, the Sound browser opens automatically. Swipe until you see Sound Library, then tap Sound Library

To open the Sound Library from an instrument like Drummer:

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  1. If necessary, select the Drummer track in Tracks view, then tap in the control bar.
  2. Tap the drummer name, then tap “Get more Drummers.” The number indicates how many additional drummers are available.

To open the Sound Library from a Live Loops song:

  • In an existing song, tap to open the Template browser, then tap Sound Library.
  • If you’ve created a new Live Loops song, the Template browser opens automatically. Tap Sound Library.

Navigate the Sound Library

Garageband Sounds And Loops

Once you've opened the Sound Library, do any of the following to navigate it:

Download Old Garageband Loops Free

  • Tap a tile to see more sounds.
  • Tap Preview to hear samples of the sounds.
  • Scroll to view additional information about the sound pack, including file size.
  • Tap Get to download the sounds to your device.
  • To delete a downloaded sound pack, tap the tile, then tap Delete